While you look back on the successes and failures of 2017, you should also continue looking at what’s happening now. Even though 2018 has just begun, the key to making this an even better year for you business on social media is keeping an eye on the current trends of the social space and where it’s headed. Armed with that knowledge, you can craft a social media marketing plan that will have your ahead of the game instead of trying to catch up. Of course, your partners in social media growth here at Adwizar are here to help you take on the new year with our breakdown of some of the current social media trends that you need to know about.
No we’re not announcing a sequel to the World War Z movie or anything else related to the zombie apocalypse; we’re talking about the generation of people following the notorious Millennials. The past few years, we’ve seen news about “Millennials this” and “Millennials that” wherever we looked because they were the generation that was at the prime age for businesses to target; they had entered the workforce and now had disposable income. It’s because of this that you would see trends like how Millennials were “destroying the diamond industry” or the like since they had different buying trends compared to the previous generation.
Well, the time of the Millennial is coming to a close soon. Today, the oldest person that is classified in Generation Z (born between 1995 - 2012) is 23 years old. That means that they are just about to enter the workforce and start earning their own disposable income. Imagine a person that just started their career, and now has a whole bunch of spending money that they haven’t figured out what to do with yet. As a brand or business, now is the time that you should be focusing in on this group, since it’s now that you can make the connection with them, build a relationship, and potentially establish loyalty.
If you haven’t already noticed, live streaming is big and it continues to grow. When you take into consideration all of the platforms that now offer some form of live streaming, such as Twitch, Instagram Live, Snapchat Live Stories, and YouTube, you’re missing out if you’re not already thinking of a way to integrate live streaming into your marketing strategy.
Live streaming is a great way to establish a more personal connection with you audience. Instead of carefully crafted text or image posts, your audience gets to watch something that’s happening in the present right before their eyes. From giving a sneak peek at a new product launch to just giving your followers a quick update on what your brand’s next project is, live streaming is the humanizing element that your marketing strategy needs.
Beyond your normal movie, TV, and music celebrities, more and more people are finding their way into the spotlight through other means. Looking at YouTube alone, you have online celebrities like PewDiePie, Evan Fong, and the infamous Jake Paul who are making over $10 million each year, and have millions of followers on both YouTube and other social profiles. With that big of a following, these social elite not only have access to extremely large audiences of certain target demographics, but also have the ability to sway their decision making based on their influence. This is the core of a growing trend in the business space called influencer marketing.
Influencer marketing is when you bring one of these social influencers together with a business that has a product or service that fits perfectly with the influencer’s already established audience. The idea is, the business pays the influencer for access to that audience, a bit of credibility on the part of the influencer, as well as some high-quality user generated content. Many companies have used this strategy for coordinating things like product launches or just get a boost in their own following. With more and more users out there striving for the big time on social media, and the others that have already gotten there, you have a long list of potential influencers out there that you can partner with to accomplish your next set of goals for your brand.
At Adwizar, we have a team of social media experts who have been working with companies both big and small for over 8 years, helping them reach the next stage of growth in the social space. From consultations and training to all-out account management and influencer marketing strategies, we are ready to help you and your business take on all of the challenges that 2018 may throw your way and utilize these and many more social trends to maximize your marketing performance. If you would like to partner with us, just contact us at 1-800-661-5095 or fill out our quick consultation form to see if we are a good fit for you.