How Does Advertising Revenue Work?

How Does Advertising Revenue Work?

January 14, 2018

How Does Advertising Revenue Work?

Today, the name of the game is monetization and how to monetize successfully. At Adwizar, we believe that earning advertising revenue is one of the primary ways to monetize on the internet and social media. In order to truly be successful and earn revenue, you and your business must set a specific advertising plan. Advertising needs to be targeted with a detailed approach. It must be attractive for customers and those surfing the internet. Unattractive content and advertising will never be clicked on. But, how do you run a successful advertising campaign and earn revenue? How does it work? Adwizar, a social media marketing agency, is here to walk you through the basics.

Paying For Advertising

For Adwizar, there are three main ways to pay for advertising, including:

  • CPM (cost per thousand views): this is the most traditional way to make advertising revenue, initially used for television, magazines, radio, and newspaper. However, it is more difficult to transform this method to monetize on social media and the internet. It is possible, but it is not easy.
  • CPC (cost per click or PPC – pay per click): this method is very common today, especially to monetize social media. In order to earn revenue on CPC, you must have attractive advertising to drive customer clickability. The largest amount of internet advertising revenue is sold by CPC.
  • CPA (cost per action): this method is driven by pay per lead or pay per sale. Normally, affiliate marketing uses this type of advertising

Depending on your business model and product line, we may recommend a different way of advertising on the internet and social media. Your advertising plan should be specific to your product and the plan must be targeted in order to gain revenue.

How To Drive Advertising Revenue

Let's talk through the specifics to truly drive advertising revenue. It's a process and an area of your business that needs dedicated time and a strategic, strong focus. In order to truly drive revenue, Adwizar suggests following some of these helpful hints below.

Optimize Your Content With High Priced Keywords

Each word in an advertisement is important, however, some are more important that others. Do you know what the keywords are in your market? Each market niche is very specific. By using the Google Adwords Tool, you can figure out the best keywords to use in your selling market. Capitalize on these words throughout your ads, social media posts and tweets. Focus on the use of these words in order to increase revenue. Simply by increasing the use of specific keywords, you will drive customer viewing and have better, more profitable content. Remember, each word can affect your advertising revenue.

Generate Traffic To Your Site

Every advertising campaign should be targeted to interact with your followers, directly generating traffic to your site. The three primary ways to generate increased traffic are through your search rankings, links, and advertisements. You can expand all of these areas through the use of keywords, direct and specific content, links to your content, and good ads. By getting followers on your site, they will actually see your advertising which in turn will boost revenue!

Design Your Webpage For Advertising

In order to truly earn advertising revenue, you need to have a healthy amount of advertising displayed throughout your webpage and social media platforms. Design each of these for your specific ads. Ensure the content looks attractive and appealing with the advertisements present. Do not overload your page with ads. Well designed ads, placed appropriately will look professional and will drive clicks. But a cluttered page with too many ads will decrease customer clicks and followers. Also, we suggest considering affiliate advertising as well. This can increase awareness of your business and then generate traffic to your site.

Let's Talk Advertising!

As always, Adwizar wants to be your go to social media marketing agency, if you have any questions about earning advertising revenue, we are here to help! We can help monetize and optimize all of your social media accounts with well placed advertisements. If you have concerns about your current content, social media activity or advertisements, contact us today to see if you qualify! Earning revenue from your advertisements is a must today, together with Adwizar, you can have successful ads churning revenue.