How to Choose the Right Influencer for Your Brand

How to Choose the Right Influencer for Your Brand

August 01, 2017

annoyed catAs a trusted social media marketing company, one of the ways that we help your brand here at Adwizar is through our influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is the process of teaming up with influencers (people who are commonly popular bloggers or other social media users) in order to help your brand reach a much larger group of people and gain followers. While it may be tempting to base your decision off of a single metric, such as Twitter followers, there’s actually more that needs to go into your decision. Here are some of the other important aspects to be considered when it comes to choosing the right influencer.


Perhaps the most important metric for you to look at is the relevance of an influencer’s content in relation to your messaging. You’ll want to pick an influencer that has a group of followers or readers that will match your brand. For example, if you’re trying to promote yourself to teenagers, choose an influencer with followers that are mainly in their teens.


You’ll also want to choose an influencer with some reach. An influencer with great reach will have followers on a wide variety of platforms. This can include Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc. This will give you the most possible visibility.


While it’s important for an influencer to speak to a large audience, what’s also important is for there to be engagement. Engagement relates to comments, retweets, and shares in response to posted content. The more that an influencer’s followers are engaged, the more meaningful the relationship between the influencer and his or her followers is. This will make any positive endorsements from an influencer hold more sway with them.


Another thing that you’ll want your influencer to have is a frequent rate of posting. It’s not surprising to know that the more that an influencer posts, the more traffic the influencer will get and the higher rate of return of readers there will be. The more often that an influencer’s readers return, the more likely it is that they’ll see your brand.


The last trait to be mentioned – but certainly not the least important – is quality. You’ll want the influencer to sound intelligent, witty, and creative, because that will reflect onto your own brand. Also, the influencer should create his or her original content and not rely on copying content from others.

Contact Adwizar Today!

If you’re interested in influencer marketing and trying to find the perfect influencers for you to gain followers, allow our social media management company to help. If you’d like to team up with us, please feel free to contact us. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!