Why Influencer Marketing Is the New Content King

Why Influencer Marketing Is the New Content King

May 15, 2017

As specialists in social media monetization and strategy, it’s our goal at Adwizar to help brands benefit through influencer marketing. Influencer marketing has been rapidly growing in popularity over the years as social media has become more prominent. Many companies and brands are even choosing to market their products through influencers and content creators instead of through traditional marketing methods. We truly believe that influencer marketing is becoming the new content king and we’d like to share with you a few reasons why.

Consumers Trust Influencers More Than the Brands

When a company tells you how great they are, that’s nearly meaningless to a potential buyer. In fact, consumers actually trust recommendations from strangers over brand messages. After all, every company will gleefully go out of their way to let you know all about how gloriously stupendous their company, their product, and everything that has to do with them is. A recommendation from an influencer means so much more because the influencer doesn’t seem so biased. The influencer or content creator appears like a neutral third party who doesn’t have a stake in selling you a product.

Influencers Can Lead to a Higher Conversion Rate for a Product

One of the most fascinating stats when it comes to influencer marketing is based upon the conversion rate. While a brand promoting a product may lead to a certain amount of sales, an influencer promoting that same product will lead to anywhere from three to ten times more sales! Influencer marketing won’t just save you time and money – it will lead to more sales as well.

Influencer Marketing Can Fulfill Many Goals

While influencer marketing obviously will help sell products, there’s so much more that it can help do. Influencer marketing can:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Promote education on the product or brand
  • Build trust for the brand
  • Boost social following
  • Act as damage control and negate bad reviews or occurrences

The Majority of Brands Are Involved in Influencer Marketing

Whether influencer marketing is truly on the path to becoming the new content king or not, plenty of brands and companies have already decisively bought in. It’s suggested that about two-thirds of brands participate in influencer marketing and have an active strategy in it. The types of companies that are involved in influencer marketing goes across the entire spectrum, though it’s most prevalent in the food, parenting, and lifestyle industries.

Contact Us Today!

If you’re interested in either becoming an influencer or utilizing our influencer marketing network and strategy, we encourage you to contact us. Our company has access to over 100 influencers to help your brand grow. We look forward to hearing from you!